Back pain — what to do with it?

SECO's day at the Edna or two of the pacientu is required. Without having ogled at his age, and the Polota, activities, and taloto. In the e unit? The egg is zastitna reakcia Organismo, it is a lot of need, the Bidai, if the NEMA Bolek, not the mogema To the CHILDREN to learn in a Organismo a bother As vaseto Zdrave e zagrozenia.

The pain-in-the-back

Mechanismat the razvivaet to baulk in taloto, the screen of the refleksi from the unit to the receptor, Impuls e PRV in the " ratiot mozok, potoa, all obrabatyvat and prinesut to mozokot. The egg of the starting screen of the vklucheno delovi on the nervnoj systems, and mozokot a lot of units, and the razlichni of Nivea. The egg okagawa of It As percepita of bolkata an important organismu.

However, It is not, the case, it is not so, and not wait for nikakva Bolek. NACESTI, It se slucuva of the time, the risk Procesi, or when there is no way to the detriment of the receptor to the Bolek. When the parade postoina stimulatio of the receptor, and the nervy vlakna, these vlakna, and in the monocot CE iritani, wait for the chronicity Bolek. To all the treerat Neve e a lot of potelco, Bidai That vlie is not in itself a General description, and wild, Where shto postout of the receptor, but bolkata amitava cells nervnoj systems — nevron.

Baulk at the hrbot Mauger To the sink predision od razlicni time. Tuk than to a division, Niamh spared lokalizacia or locatia) of the units in the razlichni delovi on the back, and ispita Key, which would be mosele To the mu of nastiti in the razlichni to Nivea, and It vlie tseliot ' rbet. And CE odnesuva of roethke bolesti: big nacestid the cause of Bolek in the hrbot all creavit, in the practicate.

1. Bolek in gornot cases, hrbot

  • First, the screen, singing the theme to be used to se eliminara a threat to sostoja – srcew bolest. Which means that when units are in gornot cases, grbac in nagavi, especially on the left, and the ASPIRATION of candidia in the ECG (electrocardiography) and the other esclusi acute coronary syndrome, myocardial myocarde, if it be passed by e, in the old. Myocarditis, and other vospalitelno bolesti a srceto, if the age of mladite.
  • If the ECG, without patologia, convert to Islam, for dorsalgia in AVO cases, hrbot, e se correctament narikawa torakalgiya (from the Latinski a Kosh – we will gradite), or to the detriment of the 'rbatt, or Musculine CE povrzani with the" betot. Thoracalgia Mauger To the sink predision of osteochondrosis in the ' RBE with statuae in the torakalny. The egg is NACESTI time. Zgolemuvanje of bolkata CE avova when the digee, especially when you wrtite. If you pogleda on the back side, you can see how many Napata acculite vospalenie of the site. These baulk povrzani the specific Sloka of the zeds tejina, sgubini, nervous, picture the Golem in the pritisok hrbot. Honor CE pridruzeni the units of the sternum, bolna, poloso in tikot is not legal. If you bolkata e fresh called to the injectii of the medicine line against Bolkiah, vitamin, Mosconi resistance, s in CE slucuva within three (3) Dan retka of weeks ago. If you are waiting for statuae in the 'rbatt – herniated diskovi, statuae in the nervnie koreni, the BACK galley outside of the' rbatt addition, the lacunae. The ATS is required to point to the x-traci and taquita in pazienti CE neurology. Poradi That shto e formirana chronicity of the units of potelco, and that a spravit. At this stage, poursuite CE silni drugs.
  • That e-mail is not possible, and that esclusi patologia of the Ramo zaednicki with arthritis or visual impairment. Ponekogas them to Dade to baulk at the hrbot.
  • The vatreshnite a General description for the nivo to the golemi lying there in the light. Yes, Bolek Zapadnova when the inflammation Odie the plevrita – Belite to the grabovi coat of ARMS is rich with Bolek to the receptor. Bolkata e silna, usta poloso, when dichaeta, and that, in fact balcatta, lue based on thesignature of the earth. If you've got a fever, and the baulk, in the place gradite – Lekar Mora da se somnewhat of precursory in the Belite grabovi. Than with the h-traci, that is a NACESTI, dobro ViDi's. Tretment e sekogas in bolnitsa. A bit of a plevrita – pleurisy Mauger To sink od razlicni time. The reason for That Mauger To bacteria, viruses, Mycobacterium tuberculosa, and other infections.
  • A spontaneous pneumothorax is over, and jumped up in the air, in the plevrita. The honor and the stanichnyj mladi lue with an inherited defect in the surteco Divo (surse Divo dysplasia, or JSP). It is slucuva when Edna silna of callica in the time of SARS, Ostara dlaboko vesuve, of the damage.

2. Bolek in srednia cases, grbac in the lumbar regional, and over the

  • Osteochondrosis in the 'rbatt of the nivo to the lumbar' RBE CE manifester, the lumbalgia e units without a trachea, in nogata, and lumbalgia – when bolkata CE protege to nadvoreshni betoto. That e-mail for this, due to the nervni koreni. Satoa, lecart proverava t.n. "radicular simptomi," or simptomi nanacast. Pacientu-lying on your BACK, the Edna pokrenula the other foot. When the serious nerve Bolek in nogata Mauger Yes se podigne yourself a little agol.
  • The pain-in-the-back

  • For the egg nivo, the naoa of the boresite. Togas lekaru proverava symptom pasternatskogo, or a gentle walk to beat the sweat lies in the region of the boresite, and if you are waiting for Bolek, That a soundboard boresite bolney CE. That e-mail nachisto the symptom of acute inflammation of the boresite, or a cameo at the boresite. Satoa in the program for the ispituje of bolkata in the lumbar regionat on her back, Maura, To vkljucite on the toilet. When the inflammation of the boresite, acute pyelonephritis or exacerbation of hronicni, ponekogas the high-temperature units, dalyot is Working on hrbot Mauger To sink in namala doper. In General, the analysis of the urine, the golemi brooch of leukocytes – vospalitelno promeni.
  • Camea did not see themselves in the baubreite, but it isto Taka, and, in calcinato at the CES. Very common in all meshaet the units of the ' ratiot rastrosta and Bolek are a bit of a calcinate of the CES. Calcinato kese, the naoa of the Vedas under the rib, and they gave the units in the desata half of the hrbot. But the egg the body, it is a good aggressive deck bolkata at Luca for a cholecystitis Mauger To the bidat dadani, in DeSoto Rameau, dalyot cases, grbac, AND dope, and nogata. The Stone Mauger To Sedat, not only of the calcinate at the CES, but it isto Taka, in the Bayou. The stone is not Mauger Yes, in the sink, and any other inflammation, into a calcinate at CES, and Canali, predizvici of, for example, lamblia, opisthorchis, and other parasites. The regular inflammation of the gall moniot, our Adrian on palpation in the stonecot and is definitief in poseben reflex simptomi inflammation of the calcinate at the CES. If the postout of the znati to cholecystitis, patientt CE Ispra, and that the point Ultrazvuk of the stomach, and the gastroenterologist. If cholelithiasis in the acetate stage – the egg of the e hirarki tretman. Stetna e this bolest, coat of ARMS, not Mauger To the sink at the ambient temperature of garcina at the property, Lubava in the capital, but of the units. The egg se slucuva kouga for a while, when it's all grouped by chronicity Bolek.
  • Inflammation of the pancrease – pancreatitis. Bolkata honor of traci might hrbot the levoto. It is slucuva when the inflammation of the oppaa opalcat in the pancreases. If you vospaleniya e-mail in hlavata and potoa mu Dade Bolek at dalyot cases, grbac in right, in Credinta. Your goal is to s e e poeno, acute pancreatitis itself does not Mauger To go on without dyspeptic phenomena. Roll up in the apartment of the silna Bolek, nachisto It an "stabbing" abdominalna Bolek Mauger To the bidat Gadea, powree. And that's only bolkata e sekogas povrsan from there to the ishrana, is Vesuvio's alcohol in combinatia the masnaa hrana. Acute Procesi – work-chirurgiche. Bidai of the pancrease Mauger Yes se Yes pocne destroy itself, the egg, the narikawa necrotizing pancreatitis, and requires an'ah Ithna interventsia. If any process has an pochityvaya in gastroenetrology. With escluso of ishrana want.
  • Herpes Zoster – ceramides. CE AVEVA in segnata povrsina the honor of polovina. Prviot Bolek, togas lady Rani, in the form of a Small maurcia. Called the Eden of vidovice individual infectia. Medicine line, the regular therapist and the neurologist. Bolkata Mauger To sink a lot of silna, Goree. A new virus is Shiri in dolinata of the nerve. Ponekogas, the pochetokot for Bolek to Osip nedelno, and diagnose e-mail Tesco and that utvrdi.

Herpes Zoster

3. Nisko, in the hrbot

  • NACESTI reason — the demonstration of an osteochondrosis. Damage or degenerative promeni the Presley of the Niva to the lumbosacral zaednicki, Bolek iskusni in the coccyx, to " ratiot post.
  • The reason ginekologi Mauger To the mu Dade unit in grbac (screen, depending on the anatomy pozicia) vospalitelno bolesti a jenskie a General description.
  • Urolithiasis, if the Camelot pominova at the bottom of the ureter, in honor of the council of Europe, AVEVA at the site dalyot an upset stomach, but That on bi, all of the sink from behind.
  • Patologica colcot zaednicki (as in nasiot slouch, the BACK of the e dadena on the pochetokot of the stateat), arthritis, arthrosis, or is dope, and the hip fracture Mauger Yes Dade Bolek in the hrbot.
  • Bolesti a analnot lapel – hemoroidy, Tumori Benigni, or a malign, if it is maligin cancer, tie dawaat Bolek, not only in itself, but Mauger To the sink unit, one metastasi in the ' rbatt, crnic get the Belite drobova).
  • Of course, the bolesti a simple — egg Mauger To the bidat benign dysplasia in the prostate gland may sink into the rakot of a prostitute. These bolesti and the ASPIRATION to develop and srilata age, spored It, the honour and the ASPIRATION javuvaat for a long time, the dope and the widlife simptomi, but olubowale on teleto mogat To metasteziruta in the lumbar ' rbat at the Belite grabovi, local lympne Asli.

4. Some bolesti Vliet tseliot ' rbat or nesanice to have it is strange

  • Nisko, in the hrbot – NACESTI have e degenerative promeni the 'rbatt which vlie on the' betot. Wait for the polysegmental Nisko, in the hrbot. Nesanice simptomi Dade simptomi in the screen delovi on the ' rbatt, AND to diagnose Mauger To the sink, especially escotia to honor a lot of eggs CE slucuva pride in treating the disease.
  • Disease – mamalove on codrina of calcium in the drizzle fog kosice, powee throw the switch. The great classics, and be married mogat Be bidat od razlicni reason, but it is. AJ marry after menopause povrsina e-mail with Niski at the Nivea estrogen in an effort to dete-Imai age children on a regular metabolismo calcium, AJ the great classics, the nachisto parade lesie of a gastrointestinalny tract infections, and malabsorption, to calcium. In this disease cosite CE krchleby, tenok. The egg isto Taka Vaja and it's betot. Postout Costa fracture in namala at a loss to napredni fazi.
  • Powee myeloma , the preparation of the grupata of the leukemias or the Tumori kruta when a tumor ASPIRATION developed for nivo to coccinata krzewina. CE Shalamova brooch of hematopoetic cells, from which the raste Beli cells under the pritisak on the Mac, it causes the units in the drizzle fog kosice. When bolesta vlie on stanet Koski, NACESTI of stonecot, but Mauger To the sink units in the ' betot. Now, in golemanite bro are the cases of leukemia. That email diagnostician with a prisustvo in the toilet proteini Ben Ons at the Time e-mail esmenet of the protein, which presledovat tamarite cells.
  • Ankilozan spondilitis and other autoimmune sabolova — when inflammation of the prsente CE autoimune in the prirodata, or when taloto proizvodov antibodies against sopstvena cells. There is a zgolemuvanje of autoimmune sabolova.
  • Zarazni bolesti a ' rbatt – tuberculosa (Mauger Yes se kombinerat by khiv infectia), syphilis, osteomyelitis of the e are many retka, but lekaru need to GI rasped, and Yes, I know about Niamh. Tuberculous osteomyelitis of the e Tesco, and that diagnosticare honor diagnosta, of course nikogas do you izlozeni, but the tretment requires you To sink the serious. Tuberculosisa an Eden aggressive bolest BACK to beat sebaee imunologic system, That Mauger is To wlese, in taloto, and with paavi in the neocekavane simptomi. For the Minamata Godin th widowe, two taqui in pazienti.

5. Postoina of the units in the hrbot mogat To ukazovat a serious blast

When Ledneva simptomi lekaru look at the hesitation of the cancer and it aims at an in-dlabocica the ispit:

  • Bolek in the hrbot lost on the Council of Europe in the tretmant of Bolek,
  • mamalove corporal masa
  • Nisko-grade fever (37-37,5 degrees, which for a long time, no speak),
  • anemia, namelen hemoglobin, anador kako izgleda paleness or yellowness of kojata, the Blue, the boa to sleep "krugovi" under ochite,
  • zgolemuvanje of the erythrocyte talogue of actuate (ESR) in Opsti analysis of kruta,
  • crarae tendencia.

The algorithm for the ispituje to baulk at the hrbot

The examination-in-pain-in-the-back

1. The first screen the night of the subject is required To view rucinski testovi – General brunata analysis, General urine analysis. Singing the theme to the ova, nor Dade, the idea of a sostoa Organismo, vospalitelno Procesi in the sostoa of the urinary system. If you gledame the promen in the urine, and wednes at the potoa, the council of Europe, the faltering child care units an predision the country's boresite.

2. Biokhimicheskii EOC, assessments testovi for funktiota on crdit drob (ALT, AST, bilirubin, alkalne phosphatase), CRP (C-reactive protein), rheumatoid factor, and lead to the inflamatory activity, kolicinama of the protein, odnosot the razlichni vidove of cronite protein – albumin and globulins and the other, an led, if you are a doctorat doubt neko views bolest.

3. Back at the markeri if the CE somnevat DECA Neco neoplastic processes.

4. Testovi for infektivne bolesti: khiv, virusni of Altice, tubercules, syphilis.

5. The X-ray of the betot, bocaiuva promeni, in the ratiot post, pressostato a hernia in the' rbeen in metastasi on the Tumori up a bit.

6. CT Skene in the ' rbatt, and vatreshnite a General description of the a lot of important to the form of That e-mail from the powee of x-ray of the widlife promeni in the diwata.

7. THE e-mail paskapoo and the informativni way se koristi To se potvrdi CT scenerie rezultati. That e-mail is not possible, and that you provide to combinatia Istratova, some to go Fati will vatreshnite a General description of a " betot. On this profile do not Bozorova, and that the identifikovat going technite cause of the statuae in the vatreshnite a General description.

8. If you lekaru in the misle of the neko retka bolest at the docelowe posebna Istratova for autoimune bolest, a rare infection, powee in dlabocica, in the Studio, and that utvrdi sostoyat of the teleto).

Tretman of bolkata in grbac, the hearing, and here is the, here is Turbat, in the zavisnost od prekinuta. But pacname of the sekogash the medicine line vs Bolek – a non-steroidal anti-inflamatory medicine line, or antispasmodics such as.

And poker razlichni the cause of Bolek in grbac, nashite of medicine e-mail napredni for quite a lot of e-mail to the CE waspositive diagnose and correct, and that the zapocne the tretmant. In an e-mail navino not zapocne bolesta, and Yes, all of the konsultiert by Lekar, if bolkata they are not alone in the Dalek time period of three a day, but it is not zboruvame long-intenzivni baulk.

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